Bethel Choir schedule and practice materials

Sunday June 4 7:00 PM Chorus Magnus Peformance I Sing the Greatness of Our God Lee YouTube
Bless the Lord, O My Soul Hoksbergen YouTube
Lord, Make Me an Instrument Herberg YouTube
Spirit, Sing Taylor YouTube
The Beatitudes Hibbert YouTube
Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor Hoksbergen YouTube
A Jubilant Song Hamilton YouTube
Sanctus No. III Lee YouTube
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life Taylor YouTube
Wade in the Water Hamilton YouTube
I Will Sing with the Spirit Hibbert YouTube
Go Tell It on the Mountain Herberg YouTube
A Gaelic Blessing Lee YouTube


* The best (and free!) MIDI player for music study that I have found is vanBasco’s Karaoke player.  It allows you to isolate or emphasize individual MIDI tracks, as well as vary the tempo or volume at your whim, in real time.